About us
The public organization “Homeowners Associations Resource Center” (hereinafter – the Resource Center for HOA) are non-governmental, public and non-profitable organization.
The main aim of the organization is the assistance of self-organization of the inhabitants for realization of residential housing reform on local levels by the provisions of consulting, informational, methodological and other assistance for homeowners associations in Lviv region and Western Ukraine.
The main objects of the organization are:
- provision of the assistance for groups of inhabitance in founding and registration of homeowners associations;
- provision of the assistance and informational support for homeowners associations on problems arise in functioning of such organizations;
- legal protection of the interests of homeowners associations in courts;
- preparing the strategy of the development and functioning of homeowners associations;
- development of innovation projects in sphere of residential housing services;
- other issues related the improving of the quality of provision of housing services.
The Resource Center for HOA was found in 2007. The main activity of the Center is to provide consulting and legal assistance for HOA and groups of inhabitance, who wish to found the HOA in theirs residential buildings.
The Resource Center for HOA allocated on
Lviv, 2, Smerekova Street.
(the center of the city).
Achievements of the organization:
The information about the achievements of the Resource Center for HOA was presented during the public events, the most important among such are:
- international conference “Effective owner of the home – the step to European standards of life” (October 27, 2009);
- seminar “Professional management of the buildings of HOAs” (December 17-19, 2009).
For the period since May 18 till December 31 2009 the consultations were provided for 43 HOAs and groups of inhabitance. The total amount of consultations in 2009 is 198, provided the assistance for 10 new HOAs in theirs registrations.
Two manuals “The Foundation and Effective Management of HOA” and “The Effective Management of Homeowners Associations” were published till 2011 for distribution among the visitors of the Center and partners organizations. The manuals consist with materials and examples of the documents essential for management of HOA. The authors of the parts of these manuals are Vasyl Kotsuk (Head of the Lviv Association of HOA); Lubomyr Lysko (Ph.D., Head of Accounting Committee of HOA “Vchytel” Lviv); Mikhail Chaplinsky (expert on management of housing property, Warsaw).
During 2011 the Resource Center for HOA is conducting the project “The Assistance of the Activity of the Resource Center of Homeowner Associations in Lviv region” with support of Renaissance Foundation. During the project the legal assistance for HOA creation and management will be provided. The circle of trainings will be prepared for HOAs of Western Ukraine.
The Resource Center for HOA during 2012 implements the project "Monitoring of the National Housing Reform in Ukraine (pricing policy)" which aims to carry out public monitoring of tariff reform housing at the national and local levels. The project focuses on tariff rates such services as hot and cold water, heating and sanitation.